Bass Fishing Gear Review! New Rods, BFS Baits, Bait Designs, and Swimbaits! These new rods and baits are incredible!! From XZone’s new bait finesse line, to the new Bucca Trick Shad swimbait, to some incredible strolling options from… FISH Crusade2024-09-09T11:03:08+00:00 Share This Story, Choose Your Platform! facebooktwitterlinkedinredditwhatsapptumblrpinterestvkEmail Related Posts How To Make Your Own Finesse Jig! (And Save A Lot Of Money) How To Make Your Own Finesse Jig! (And Save A Lot Of Money) Nation: On the water action at Pickwick Nation: On the water action at Pickwick Nation: Day 3 weigh-in at Pickwick Lake Nation: Day 3 weigh-in at Pickwick Lake Nation: Nutt takes the title at Pickwick Lake Nation: Nutt takes the title at Pickwick Lake