Gear Review: Daiwa Kage LT WHAT IS IT? Daiwa KAGE LT WHAT SETS IT APART? With sizes 1000-5000, the Kage LT serves the multispecies types who complement their bass finesse efforts with walleye, trout and… FISH Crusade2025-03-06T16:02:45+00:00 Share This Story, Choose Your Platform! facebooktwitterlinkedinredditwhatsapptumblrpinterestvkEmail Related Posts Wall’s Lake Murray game plan focused on staying consistent through inconsistent weather Wall’s Lake Murray game plan focused on staying consistent through inconsistent weather GALLERY: Sprague springs into action on Lake Murray GALLERY: Sprague springs into action on Lake Murray What to watch for at Kentucky Lake What to watch for at Kentucky Lake Open: Day 1 takeoff at Kentucky Lake Open: Day 1 takeoff at Kentucky Lake