IS THIS A JOKE? Wrist Fishing Rod from This fishing reel attaches to my wrist, there is no fishing rod, just my arm. We bought this set up from Amazon, and have no idea how well it will work, but … FISH Crusade2024-09-13T00:02:25+00:00 Share This Story, Choose Your Platform! facebooktwitterlinkedinredditwhatsapptumblrpinterestvkEmail Related Posts California Anglers Fined for Poaching in Wyoming California Anglers Fined for Poaching in Wyoming Elite angler action on St. Johns Elite angler action on St. Johns On the water with Feider, Gore and Browning On the water with Feider, Gore and Browning Anglers will share small areas during Bassmaster Elite at Lake Okeechobee Anglers will share small areas during Bassmaster Elite at Lake Okeechobee