Long Island and NYC Fishing Report- March 14, 2024 Holdover stripers take paddletails and minnow plugs in the back bays and estuaries, meanwhile crappie, yellow perch, stocked trout and bass are chewing in the ponds. FISH Crusade2024-03-14T19:35:44+00:00 Share This Story, Choose Your Platform! facebooktwitterlinkedinredditwhatsapptumblrpinterestvkEmail Related Posts Nation: Day 2 weigh-in at Pickwick Lake Nation: Day 2 weigh-in at Pickwick Lake Why ALL the BEST Fisherman Use THIS Fishing Rig for BIG Fish? Why ALL the BEST Fisherman Use THIS Fishing Rig for BIG Fish? Nation: Nutt takes over Day 2 lead at Pickwick Nation: Nutt takes over Day 2 lead at Pickwick Palm Bay Specks | Bill Dance Saltwater (Full Episode) Palm Bay Specks | Bill Dance Saltwater (Full Episode)